Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wedding Invitation Wording - For That Special Occassion

As you start to make your own wedding invitation the first thing that you must take care of is the wedding invitation wording.

The reason I say the wording is important because that wording will actually define what kind of invitation would be fit for the wording that you have chosen. The design of the card as well as template that you choose will be dependent on the wording.

In fact the wedding inviation wording defines what will be best design which includes the theme, color and the printing of the invitation.

Tips for the wording are that that wording should appropriately decsribe what the wedding occassion means to you and how you will be honored to have the guests to whom you are sending the invite.

The wording will vary based on where you are going to have the marriage in the church or at home. Also the wording will be very different if the wedding is a second marriage. yuo can include concept ofoverall theme into the invitation and that theme does extend to everythingh that you do for the wedding icluding the blue wedding flowers

Then again the wording etiquettes also srequire a few things to be done like the RSVP and reply requests.

I have a few samples of the wedding invitation wording for you gathered from the around the internet and also from a few other places.

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