Monday, September 8, 2008

wedding invitation etiquette to be careful of !

A very important thing that you need to take care of for the wedding is the etiquette as there can be issues with what is proper and what is not proper if you are going to make your own wedding invitations.

I will list all the do’s and dont’s that we need to have when you are creating the invitation.
You need to be careful as there can be concerns and questions about how to invite and whom to invite and also about how to address.

These etiquettes do matter a lot as a lot of sentiments and related families are affected by one marriage. Marriage they say is after all a union of two families as opposed to a union of only two individuals.

A major thing that usually people go wring with is who to invite so make sure that you specifically ask the recipients that whom you are inviting.

Be careful when you are inviting singles that whether you are inviting their girl friends or partners

Be careful with the rsvp wording as that can cause havoc.

Be careful with the pre printed envelopes try good fonts as that can be an issue in terms formal versus non formal invites. That goes for the color too for the envelopes.

Make sure that you have maps and direction for the wedding

Make sure that you have wedding announcements sent six weeks in advance.

So while you make your own wedding invitations you need to adhere to these small things so as to happy wedding day with everyone in attendance smiling and cheering. This tip also extends to wedding gifts that are also vry crucial and proper care should be give to the kind of gifts you are getting.
as far as weddings go everything should match and that would mean wedding centerpieces and of course for the best wedding centerpieces this is the place to go.

In all this one thing that you should remind your best friend or someone who is going to raise a wedding toast to prepare for that as that can be something challenging when it comes to raising a a good wedding toasts.

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