Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to make your own wedding invitations

Make your own wedding invitations is not as tough as one thinks , this I found out after having paid good amount of money to the print shop for getting my wedding invitations printed.

That is not to say that those were not good but the fact is that since the wedding in itself is an expensive affair I would rather save the money there and try to get soemthing more useful for that money.

I learnt this important lesson myself a few years ago and now I am here blogging to make sure that people like me are not paying money for wrong reasons. In fact there is so much help available on the inetrent to create your own invitations. The truth is that if you plan in advance and have some amount of creativity in you then you can actually do as good a job as any professional can.

The reason I say that you need time since with the wedding you hardly get time to do a lot of things so if you have planned well in advance and put in a little effort then you can actually the wedding inviations yourself.

In the next few blog posts I am going to tell you in an easy manner how to create your wedding invitations with creativity and a computer. Also it is a lesson in diy wedding invitation.

The other major thing that the people usually struggle with is the wedding invitation wording . I will explain in detail how and what to write in the wording for the wedding invite .

There are several kinds of wedding invitation like the destination wedding inviation or the photo wedding invitation and I will try to explain each one of those for those who are about to get married and have reached this blog about make your own wedding invitation

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